The sound of a raging fire was heard. Some people wanted to protect their houses by clearing the bushes around their houses, but some individuals disagreed and went after the source of the fire. They trekked inside the bush and were able to control the fire from the source. They saved the day by attacking the source.
When you see cobwebs, and you refuse to attack the spider, your removal of the cobwebs will be futile for the spider will simply recreate another cobweb.
The right thing to do is to attack the spider first.
For the past two years, the government created cobwebs for IPOB and IPOB have been after the cobwebs. Today, IPOB have seen that the cobwebs are nothing and have been removing them with ease.
The cobwebs are all the criiminals the government used to attack IPOB. This is the time to mount a massive campaign against the spider. The spider is the source of the cobwebs.
Every media warrior, every IPOB member and every supporter of IPOB should ignore all these cobwebs going forward. Face the spider and the spider alone.
The spiders were the people that kidnapped MNK
They are the people holding him illegally.
The spiders are the people using Fulani herdsmen terrórists to wipe out Christians in Nïgeria. They are the looters in government masquerading as your leaders. They are the people holding you hostage. The cobwebs are mere diversion. Things they used to keep you away from the spider.
Forget the cobwebs and face the spiders.
If you are a media warrior and you did not understand this post, then you need to go back to the drawing board.
Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher and Activist, 2023.