It is no longer news that Ohaneze Ndigbo have demanded for the sum of 10 Trillion Naira from the Nigerian government as compensation for the Nigeria Government’s mischievous tagging of the 1966 coup an Igbo coup. Of course, the 1966 coup in Nigeria was not an Igbo coup, but Nigeria government mischievously tagged it an Igbo coup because they had a hidden agenda within the coup.
Truth be said, we need justice but money is definitely not the justice we need and it can never be. Can Ohaneze Ndigbo tell us exactly what they want to do with this money because as much as we know, this money will not bring back the lives of the Igbo soldiers and Igbo civilians mass∆cred in the North during that 1966 coup. To crown it all, Igbo people are directly and indirectly paying taxes worth more than 10 trillion Naira to the Nigerian government every year or at least in 2 years. Then of what benefit will an ordinary 10 Trillion Naira be to ndị Igbo that will make Ohaneze Ndigbo to be demanding for it?
We don’t need that blood money and nobody should demand it for ndị Igbo. What we need is justice and that justice has to be Nnamdi Kanu’s immediate and unconditional release, together with a date for Biafra referendum. Anything apart from Nnamdi Kanu’s release and Biafra referendum will definitely not be the justice we need and such will never represent the interest of the Igbo people.
Nigeria government deceitfully tagged that 1966 coup an Igbo coup and used it to kill many Igbo soldiers in the North in preparation for the 3 years genocide from 1967. After Nigeria government killed many Igbo soldiers during the coup, they dragged Biafra into a full blown war in 1967, thinking that there won’t be any much resistance. Still during the genocide, they deceived many people mostly the international community that it was a civil war whereas there was nothing civil about it. In that 3 years genocide alone, over 3.5 million Biafrans mostly women and children d!£d. This is an unforgettable crime that Nigeria government committed, and we will never forget. Ohaneze Ndigbo turning around to demand for money is an effort in futility, justice should be done not compensation.
What Ohaneze should be demanding is justice for the Biafran heroes, both to the Igbo soldiers mŪrd£red during the coup in 1966 and to those that were massacred during the 3 years genocide from 1967. The lives of our heroes and what they fought for will never be exchanged for money. Not now, not ever.
Ohaneze Ndigbo should desist from that idea and begin to make the right demand towards justice for the Biafran nation and people because we cannot be fed by the Nigeria we are feeding.
Family Writers Press International.