Aba women Riot 1929

Collective fines imposed by the British on the participating communities for the 1929 Riots. This is for Nguru area, Owerri division (1929). Source: Korieh, J
May be an image of text that says 'TOWN FINE IMPOSED S 11 5 D 626 94 774 25 218 218 275 186 10 96 1,000 15 8 10 6 8 o 3 6 Inyogugu Umunama Town Nguru Onicha Umuhu Lagwa Avuvu Town Ibeku Town Azaraegbelu Udo Ahiara Town (NguruArea) Area) Amuzi Umuokrika Amumara Itu Obizi Eziborgu Oboama Ahiara Akaba (Nguru) lhitte Ogtuama Eziudo Ugiri Amumara Okpofe Mpam lhitteAfuku Total Source: NAE .UMPROF file 12 o o 8 18 o 171 160 420 258 351 150 193 43 79 280 44 417 60 50 215 294 320 7033 o ٥ 6 ٥ o 53/1929, L.26. 3 11'
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