In a sane country Peter Obi will just win the election without sweat.
In a country devoid of nepotism, he will beat Atiku and Tinubu hands down.
But we are not talking about a sane society. We are talking about a dub-ious country that is capable of rigging elections and nothing will happen.
We are talking about a country that have declared a man that took fourth position in an election, the winner of the election using the Apex Court.
We are talking about a country that opened fire on her own youths while they are singing the National Anthem and waving Nigería flags.
We are talking about a country of looters.
We are talking about a country her masses is so hungry that they can sell their vote over a plate of jellof rice.
This is not a sane country. This is a country that have chosen backwardness above progress. This is a country that can chose an illiterate above a professor.
So when we say you will be wasting your time, we know what we are saying.
But you have to try anyway, so that when it happens, together we will say enough is enough and peacefully we can end this insane entity.
Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher And Activist, 2022.