1) South East governors/leaders contributed to the insecurity in South East, at a point killing and kidnapping of Igbos by fulani herdsmen terrorists became overbearing for the people of South East.
Ebonyi and Enugu states became den of fulani herdsmen terrorism, while the killing of Igbos was going on, South East politicians were less concerned, it wasn’t bothering them. This gave Kanu an opportunity to arm some boys, today we are facing terrorism. I strongly believe that if South East governors had taken the issue of fulani herdsmen terrorism serious, there won’t be need for ESN and we wouldn’t have been in this mess.
2) Kanu preached destruction of Igbo land:
Yes Kanu said that for Biafra to come Igbo land must be destroyed. We are not surprised that some people claiming to be fighting for Ndigbo are trying so hard to destroy Igbo land as Kanu directed.
In fact at some point, Kanu said that the name IGBO is cursed.
He might not mean to destroy Igbo land but he radicalized the people doing it now.
3) Kanu copied Ambazonian style of fighting for freedom:
Ambazonia the Anglophone region in Cameroon have been fighting for freedom for years but it has always been fruitless.
In the process of fighting for freedom, the Ambazonia did a lot of damages in Anglophone region of Cameroon.
Today, Anglophone region is in shambles, the economy is nothing to write home about, people are leaving Anglophone region to Francophone region.
While Francophone flourishes, Anglophone is dying daily.
This is exactly what would have happened to South East if the situation is not arrested, may be that’s why Kanu preached total destruction of Igbo land in Nigeria and building of new Igbo land in Biafra.
That’s why you see his followers supporting total destruction of Igbo land, that can never happen, some of them threaten people with a diverging opinion just like Islamic extremists.
Igbos/Biafrans have fought war in the past we know what we lost, we know where we were before the war and where we are now, if another war is going is cost us a lot better drop it and demand for Biafra through dialogue.
It’s still a surprise how we have risen after the war this second war it might take more than hundred years to rise.
4) Bringing in non Igbos into the business of Ndigbo:
Biafra in the 1967-1970 used to be the business of the whole of defunct Eastern region and Anioma people of Delta state. But today it’s an Igbo thing but good number of Igbos who are not conversant with History failed to understand this, While some understand but chose to be adamant.
Kanu brought in an Ibibio, Ijaw Urhobo, isoko, Esan Benin into an Igbo business.
I might understand the reason for bringing in an Ijaw and Ibibio people into Biafran issue.
But what is the business of an Isoko, Urhobo, Esan and Benin person in Biafran struggle?
Isoko, Urhobo, Esan and Benin have nothing to do with Biafra
These non Igbos brought in Biafran struggle don’t have influnce on their people, they just there embezzling money contributed by Igbos.
They(non Igbos) encourage violence in Igbo land yet in their states there’s no violence, they encourage needless sit at home which is destroying economy of South East yet in their places where they come from nobody knows what is sit at home.
While Aba, Onitsha, Owerri, Abakaliki, Enugu etc are observing sit at home Uyo, Sapele, Benin etc are bustling with business activities.
They threaten Igbo leaders but they don’t threaten their own leaders.
I thought Ndigbo were reasonable people but this made me know that good number of Igbos are not reasonable.
5) Sorrounding himself with illiterates and semi illiterates:
Kanu sorrounded himself with illiterates and semi illiterates, with very few intellectuals.
These illiterates and semi illiterates known nothing except use of violence and ill strategy.
6) Abroad based Biafran fighters:
Yes most IPOB officials base in abroad seems not to care about the welfare of Igbos at home.
They go to work everyday but they tell you to sit at home, they encourage violence in South East but they are live in peaceful environment.
People die in South East as a result of the violence but their children are feeding fat. Go and check out the pictures of Simon Ekpa’s children.
They don’t care.
7) Unnecessary sit at home:
The needless sit at home is weakening South East economy, we have stayed at home to a point where it’s not needed but that’s by the way.
Sit at home have taken a lot of lives, the enforcers of sit at home have killed innocent Igbos in the process, burnt businesses and properties owned by the same people they are falsely fighting for
Criminals have now used this opportunity to commit all manner of crimes.
Some Igbos have lost their lives while some had their sickness worsened because they needed urgent medical attention. But it was sit at home and if one comes out you will be killed they stayed at home and died while some their sickness worsened.
š No Elections in Igbo land:
“No election” in Biafran land” a chant started by IPOB today some Igbos have been killed because they were observing their Constitutional rights.
In February, Local government election was going on at Nkanu Obeagu, when some ESN invaded the place shouting no election in Biafran land, they killed Igbos who came to vote.
Another scenario occured at Ihite Uboma collation center, ESN invaded the place instilled fear in them and then killed an INEC official who happened to be an Igbo man.
10) Division among IPOB officials:
Since the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu the division has rocked IPOB structure. DOS has been trying to be civil in the issue of Biafra but Simon Ekpa has chosen the pathway to destruction.
Simon Ekpa has sponsored many terror attacks in South East especially Anambra, the attacks on governmental structures is not a coincidence.
It was meditated, in one of his broadcasts Simon Ekpa threatened to bring fire to Anambra and truly Anambra is now burning. Three local government headquarters, magistrate court and EEDC office all burnt by ESN controlled by Simon Ekpa. Let’s not forget that Orsu LGA was burnt.
A typical IPOB sympathizer will tell you let’s burn our collective owned properties we will build new ones in Biafra, I will reply please burn your father’s house we will build new one in Biafra.
11) Corruption:
Embezzlement of funds among IPOB officials is nothing new, a lot of money is controlled by IPOB and they don’t account for this funds.
Because they don’t want the money to stop flowing they encourage violence in Igbo land.
Apart from ESN created by IPOB which has lost focus, IPOB has not done anything tangible for Ndigbo, IPOB can’t boast of any help rendered to Igbos.
No free medical care, No school structure, No scholarship, No free trainings provided for apprentices, No fund to support dying businesses owned by Igbos, nothing only embezzlement of funds yet a lot of money flows into the accounts they control.
Most of them are there to boost their standard of living not actually because of you.
The division in IPOB is over who will control the cash inflow and outflow nothing else.
12) ESN turned criminals
Whether we like it or not the creation of ESN tripled criminal activities in South East and most of these criminal activities are done by ESN members turned criminals.
Kanu might have genuine reason for creation of ESN which is to fight fulani terrorism in South East but what about those he gave guns to do the job.
Most of them are not well educated, they were given guns to protect Igbo land but they saw it as an opportunity to go into crimes.
Some of them became kidnappers, hired assassins, armed robbers etc.
For instance, the criminal camp at Aguluezechukwu which was destroyed last month used to be an ESN camp. The camp was set up by ESN but as time goes on these boys became criminals and started terrorising the people of Aguluezechukwu. They went into kidnapping, killing, snatching of cars(which they later sell) and others.
During the invasion of criminal camp in Aguluezechukwu stolen cars and records of people kidnapped were found.
Same thing happened in Mgbowo, yes they succeeded in chasing Fulani herdsmen terrorists out of Mgbowo but today they have brought terror to Mgbowo.
While some ESN members lost focus, fulani terrorism has started rearing it’s ugly head, Fulanis have been killing and raping people in Eha Mufu, they have resumed kidnapping in some parts of Enugu state yet we have ESN.
Am not saying that all members of ESN are criminals, not all, there are still the good ones but they have been overwhelmed by the bad ones.
13) Criminals and Devilish politicians utilizing the opportunity created by IPOB
This period is very fertile for criminals and some politicians to carry out their criminal activities.
criminals have used this opportunity to do harm to the Society unresisted, in one of the Mondays in Ekwulobia some boys were beaten to pulp for taking what belongs to another forcefully.
Politicians and business men and women now hide under insecurity and go after their Political opponents, business competitors etc
Several assassinations taking place.
For those of us who believe that Kanu still have those boys under his control
For those of us who still believe that releasing Kanu will solve the insecurity problem in South East.
They are all lies, good number of them are no longer under the control of Kanu and Kanu’s release won’t stop them from causing mayhem in South East.
I want Kanu to be released but these criminals must be wiped out of Igbo land, they have bitten more than they chew.
Government should finish them off or rather they should calm down if not we will end up having another Boko Haram in South East. Those boys are the same with Igbo politicians who don’t care about Igbos rather they only care to satisfy themselves.