30th January, 2025
The global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide commend the gallantry of the ESN Command in Biafra Land as they celebrate their 4th year anniversary December12, 2024. IPOB and Ndigbo are happy to congratulate all ESN Operatives on their belated 4th Anniversary Parade that took place on December 12th, 2024, in Biafra Land .
The ESN Command 4th Anniversary videos and pictures were deliberately delayed because of the security concerns at the time of publication. However, the global family of IPOB and Biafrans in general salute the historic 4th Anniversary of our gallant men and women. We salute their bravery , dedication, and excellent service to our fatherland Biafra. In a special way, we honor the gallant heroes who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in their effort to keep our people safe. The warrior’s spirit in the living and departed Comrades are working together to ensure that we restore Biafra Nation. Once again, we say congratulations to the men and women under the ESN Command!
EASTERN SECURITY NETWORK(ESN) is an Indigenous Vigilantee Security outfit founded by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the family of IPOB worldwide. The primary mission of ESN is to protect the people of the South Eastern region in the contraption called Nigeria from the marauding terrorists Fulani herdsmen. Prior to the formation of ESN, the murderous Fulani bandits and terrorists occupied many of Biafran’s forests and bushes. From the occupied bushes and forests, they launch attacks on our local farmers, the farmlands, and communities in our region. There were uncountable cases of Fulani terrorists attacks on many communities with countless women raped and many people, including children, killed by these soulless terrorists. But in the last 4 years of ESN operations in our land, the cases of Fulani herdsmen mass murder, rapes, killing of farmers, and displacement of communities in the Biafra territory are almost non existent.
On this 4th anniversary of the ESN Command, the worldwide family of IPOB wishes to reassure Ndigbo and Biafrans worldwide that ESN has the utmost interest of Biafrans above their own personal interest. They are under oath to safeguard the region and the people. That is why, for the past 4 years, they have sacrificed a lot for the greater good of Biafra land. They have lived in the bushes, confronted a lot of challenges, and faced many difficult circumstances, including loss of lives. However, they have scaled by adopting adaptive strategies and prayers of Biafrans and other lovers of freedom.
The IPOB leadership and IPOB worldwide have tremendously tried very hard to sustain ESN, and the Biafra struggle in the absence of our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Their resolve and determination to sustain and support ESN financially and morally can not be overemphasized. ESN remains the last line of defense for Biafra Nation. It beholds Biafrans at home and in diaspora to join IPOB in providing logistical support for ESN to continue to protect our land for the battles ahead.
ESN Operatives have a strong sense of ethics and morality in discharging their duties. Therefore, be assured that ESN shall not engage in any criminal activity or in the killing or destroying of the people they have vowed to protect. There are serious consequences for any ESN Operative that goes against the ESN Code of Conduct and ethics.
In this year 2025, ESN will intensify their activities in sting operations against all the criminals who have turned our land into a place where all manner of evil and abominable activities; ritual killings, extortion, illegal arrest, and forceful disappearances, drug businesses take place. It is going to be an eye for an eye operation. Biafra Land must be free from all forms of criminality and terrorism being sponsored by the Nigerian government and desperate politicians just to tarnish the image of ESN, IPOB and the Biafra struggle.
ESN hereby warn all the local vigilantes under any code name in Biafra Land to tread with caution in discharging their duties. ESN operatives are not against the genuine vigilantees that are helping to curb crimes. But they must not cross the red lines by being a tool in the hands of the Nigerian Government and her murderous Security Forces to hunt, abduct, and kill any IPOB member or any innocent Biafran in Biafra territory. If they do, they should be ready to have a confrontation with ESN.
ESN shall apply all necessary measures to facilitate the evacuation of terrorists and bandits in the uniform of the Nigerian Security Agencies out of the Biafra Region. Some of the people in these security uniforms are terrorists and criminals parading as state actors.
ESN shall impose harsh punishment on any Biafran conniving with the Fulani herdsmen in land acquisition in the South East Region. Moreso, those individuals making money by pointing fingers at IPOB members to be abducted or killed by the Nigerian murderous Security Forces should be ready to be paid in the same coin.
Finally, the global family of IPOB once again call on the Nigerian Government under Bola Ahmed Tinubu to release our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and other Biafrans abducted by the Nigeria DSS, Army and Police and detained unjustly. Self-determination is not a crime under any law in the world.
IPOB shall never retreat nor surrender until Biafrans are given the right to vote in a referendum or exit Nigeria in some other other way.
God bless Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB Leadership for launching ESN to save our people from the Fulani bloody terrorists. God bless ESN Operatives for their bravery and sacrifices.