
The attention of the global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide has been drawn to the summoning of some leaders from the Nkpa community in BENDE LGA of Abia State by the Abia State Police Commissioner over the false accusations of a murder of a Fulani terrorist herdsman in their community.

The IPOB intelligence unit has confirmed that Abia State Police Commissioner and his group of clueless and unprofessional officers summoned the leaders of Nkpa Community for defending their community against the murderous Fulani terrorists who rape their women and kidnap people for ransom. The Fulani terrorists informed their brothers in the Nigerian Police that the community murdered one of their terrorist brothers. The Fulani terrorists are setting the stage to invade the community with this false accusation. The false alarm was a strategy to use the notorious Nigerian Police to intimate the Nkpa Community for obstructing their terrorists’s plans. The terrorists sympathetic Nigerian Police Commissioner in Abia State should stop intimidating our people in order to leave their communities vulnerable for Fulani to attack and kill them at will. ESN does not need the communities’ approval to defend our land against Fulani terrorists.

We learnt that the following persons from Nkpa Community were invited by the Abia State Police Commissioner for interrogations;
1. Mazi Ernest Lekweke – Youth Leader
2. Bishop Elect Ugoo Nwosu – PG
3. The woman leader
4. The Community Vigilantee commander, Mazi Okechukwu Felix Okoro.
We were reliably informed that the Abia Police Commissioner, through his proxy officers, grilled the above named persons for hours and forced them to accept that a Fulani terrorist was killed in their community when no such thing happened. The Nigerian Police is pressuring the people to accept the case of Fulani murder and to produce those responsible. The question IPOB is asking the Nigerian Police is how many times have the Nigerian Police invited Fulani Leaders for interrogations over uncountable terrorists attacks by the Fulani herdsmen anywhere but especially in Biafra territory?
The Abia State Police Commissioner must stop provoking Ndigbo. If anything untoward happens to those people they interrogated and the Nkpa Community, the terrorists sympathetic Police Commissioner will be held responsible. It is important that the Abia State Police commissioner support those defending themselves against Fulani herdsmen’s invasion or leave them alone. Fulani terrorists are the actual aggressors against indigenous Nigerians but deceptively claim to be victims. These invaders are the most violent and dangerous ethnic group in sub-Saharan Africa and have been named among the most dangerous terror groups in the world.

It is obvious that the Muslim -Muslim Presidency ticket and term in office is a secret code for the continuation and completion of the Fulanization agenda in Nigeria. The Fulani terrorists have killed thousands of civilians and Security Forces across Nigeria, yet the government of Nigeria has never proscribed them as terrorists. The entire State Institutions from the Nigerian Judiciary, Police, Army, DSS, etc, are colluding with Fulanis in their quest to kill, destroy, displace, and occupy indigenous People’s communities in Nigeria. When we tell people that the Nigeria government is behind the Fulani murderous terrorist activities, some ignorant Nigerians argue. A few days ago the public was awash with a sickening judgement from the Nigeria Supreme Court that has upheld a death sentence by hanging from a Fulani High Court Judge in Yobe against a man called Sunday Jackson for defending himself against a Fulani terrorist 10 year ago. The Nigerian government, her security agencies, and the judiciary are acomplices. Perhaps they are either under the Fulani voodoo powers or they are all working hard to establish Nigeria as a radical extremist Islamic Caliphate. But as long as IPOB and ESN are concerned, Biafra Land will not bow to radical Islamic conquest. Biafra Land is not like the conquered northern territory and will never be conquered.

IPOB worldwide is bringing to the attention of the Abia Police Commissioner and the terrorist sympathetic federal government that IPOB will never allow their plans to intimidate Ndigbo not to defend themselves against the rampaging Fulani terrorists. Self-defense is an inalienable right of every person. Only a tree will stand and watch while being cut down. The Nigerian government and her compromised judiciary and security are all colluding to frustrate people’s efforts to defend themselves against the State sponsored terrorists. IPOB refuses to allow Ndigbo to be vulnerable to Fulani terrorist attacks without resistance.

IPOB is calling on ALL Ndigbo at home and in diaspora to mobilize resources and prepare to defend themselves against Fulani terrorists’ invasion who enjoy the support of the Nigerian Government and her murderous Security Forces. We can not fold our arms and watch these marauding terrorists attack and kill our people at will. Self-defense is lawful even when the Nigerian Supreme Court, under the influence of Fulani voodoo powers and corruption, tried to take away the inalienable right of people to defend themselves with their perverse judgement against Mr. Sunday Jackson. ESN Operatives will be on the ground in many parts of Biafra land to defend our people and deal with the Fulani terrorists. Biafrans should get in touch with ESN through our contact lines when under threath from the janjaweed terrorists. ESN does not need approval from community leaders, PGs, or vigilantees commanders to go after Fulani terrorists. ESN Operatives are not answerable to any community leader on matters involving the security of our land.

The ESN Security outfit was solely formed to deter and to defeat the Fulani terrorists’ attacks and destruction in Biafra Land. The Abia State Police Commissioner, be warned! Biafra Land is not Yobe State where Mr. Sunday Jackson was sentenced to death by a Fulani Judge for defending himself against a Fulani terrorist. Such a barbaric and disgusting judgment is one of the reasons Nigeria remains IRREDEEMABLE.
To deter the Fulani terrorist plans, the ESN tactical team has been ordered to move into the area and to comb the Nkpa Community and its environs. They have the order of DOS and leadership of IPOB to deal with any Fulani terrorists found inside the bushes and forests in Biafraland. Biafra Land is not Northern or Western Regions, where Fulani terrorists can carry out their terrorist attacks without consequences.


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