I remember when he was bragging how he will end an organisation zoo has for many years tried and couldn't end. He was always laughing fakishly as he entertain his f-oolish followers. Yes, I call them foo-ls. What else will you call some one who is shouting #FreeMaziNnamdiKanu and yet praising a crimînal bragging how he will end IPOB. How will that your leader come out should they destroy IPOB? How can you protest without IPOB and her leadership? How can you pay the lawyers and hire more lawyers if IPOB is no more? Who will respect MNK if IPOB is no more? Do you now understand what I am talking about? Can you smell your foolishness in the answers to the above questions?

'I am your last bustop' kikikiki 'I will end you all' kikikiki 'I am the dragon, no one will push me out', he laughs again. And his gullible fools will shout Mma ejiri gbuo Agu. Lol.

I told you most of his online supporters then were loaned to him by the dub-ious governors in South East and beyond. They were mandated to open new accounts on twitter and Facebook. They used the account to wage media war on IPOB. It was massive then. But I said that when election time comes they will retire back to where they came from. They have election and don't have time anymore for the infiltrators. Also Facebook backed them. They trended their pages, while they fraustate pages supporting IPOB leadership. Some of them even started saying that no one comments on Radio Biafra anymore. Lol.

Few of them we knew here that joined them kept bragging. They formed media groups and started dishing out their lies. They thought themselves gods. Funny Clôwns.

Nwa oba nshi that was just an ordinary PDP e~rat claiming he will end IPOB. An organisation with presence in more than 100 countries of the world. An organisation with strong grassroot. That's what someone that started speaking about IPOB just one year bragged he will destroy. Lol. He will destroy IPOB while staying in his room in Finland broadcasting on YouTube and Facebook. Just little popularity IPOB gave you, you think yourself a god.

In case you all don't know, MNK is coming soon. At that time all of you will be shamed. Those walls you guys used to fight against this struggle will be deserted. You all will go like those before you.

Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher And Activist, 2022.

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