Simon Ekpa Set to lead Some Of His Guilable Followers To Their Early Grave
I saw a video clip of Simon Ekpa’s Boys Brigade I laughed
Because it remind me that I was one time a member of Boys Brigade it was so fun then .
But on the other hand I was furious because I saw an attempt by this guy to send those ignorant dudes to their early grave by attaching their name with almighty Eastern Security Network and M Brach this is a joke taken too far it’s extremely expensive to dare almighty E.S.N not to talk of M BRANCH you don’t dare dream such . Because you will not be alive to tell the story the scores will be so scary to whoever dreamt such .
Any way I will be here to keep you guys updated . If Ebubeagu a.k.a (Ebubeagu oke na ngwere ) Fulani herdsmen terrorists ,zoo security forces Asari Dokubo Niger Delta millitant couldn’t stop E.S.N in their wonderful work they are doing to protect our land . How dare cockroach in Finland thinks he can use his cultist bandits turned boys brigade to stop Ipob and ESN ? Simon Ekpa must get ready to take responsibility of activities of his cultist gang he is parading around starting from taking responsibility of bombing the country home of the president General of Ohaneze Ndigbo Professor Gorge Obiozor or they should be ready to contend with Eastern Security Network
There are two things eastern Security Network will not tolerate in any part of Biafraland.
1 : Criminalities of any kind against our people in any part of Biafraland
2: impersonation of eastern Security Network (ESN)
These are unforgivable crime , you don’t dare try such and live to tell the story ..
Eastern Security Network are on mandate to go against criminals regardless of whether the culprit are a Biafran Fulanis or any ethnic nationalities in our land ..
ESN will go after them and flushed them out and send them to God for judgment..
Nobody is asking you not to fight for Biafra in your own way but you dare not impersonate Eastern Security Network E.S.N, IPOB, M Branch and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and go Scott free .
If you try you must have ESN to contend with because attaching your name with almighty ESN and M Branch is a suicidal mission .
To before warn is to before harm