South-South Region Was Manually Created For Deception And Division In Nigeria.

What we had was the “Eastern region” with no states bound regional divisions. It was on the 27th of May in 1967 that Yakubu Gowon in his ambition to divide and rule us splitted the South East region and created River and Cross River States respectively.

In 1987 September 3rd, the armed forces of Nigeria during the country’s military rule in their mischievous restructuring of the country created Akwaibom State out of Cross River State. On the 1st of October 1996, Sani Abacha further created Bayelsa out of River State. These creations were never meant to keep the region one. They were meant to split and weaken us as a people so that the Nigerian Fulani conquest can easily conquer us in times like now when they are parading their cows in our farms, terrorizing and killing our people.

If River and Cross River States were created out of the South Eastern region, then Bayelsa State from River State and Akwaibom State from Cross River State, what does that tell you? What are these former Eastern states now doing in the nonexistent South-Southern region?

These states mentioned herein above belong to the old South Eastern region till today, no matter where the divisive Nigerian government parted them to. If Nigeria government like let them part the states to Southern Cameroon, they can never change the fact that they are Biafran states and if referendum is conducted today, we will never drag them with the Nigerian state.

States creations in Nigeria cannot disintegrate us the Biafran people. That is why we must resist with everything in us the creation of further states in our land. And henceforth, it is mandatory that when mentioning these states herein above, you should attach Biafra in them so that those who do not know that they are Biafran states will know. This is for avoidance of every doubts because when we will go, no portion of Biafraland or its people will be left in Nigeria. We will go with everything we have and everything we have made. Nothing shall we left in Nigeria

Something like this will be very important at this time:

River State, Biafra

Cross River State, Biafra

Bayelsa State, Biafra

Akwaibom State, Biafra

Delta State, Biafra

We need to be informing those that created these states that we are aware of their intentions.. At the same time, we must start rebooking them for the evil they deed.
It took IBB to write a book to tell the doubting Thomases that the 1966 coup was not an Igbo coup. People should not expect any book from Yakubu Gowon before they will know that states creation in Biafraland was meant to divide, weaken and for the enemies to easily conquer us. We must reclaim every of our states and peoples, and must resist every other divisive agendas against our people and region.

Family Writers Press International

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