The first time I noticed a red light in Kanunta Kanu

The first time I noticed a red light in Kanunta Kanu was the time he called off Monday sit at home. That was something he completely no right to do.

I took to my page to say that he has no such right. I still remember making lots of posts on it. I got lots of attacks from those that think if Kanunta Kanu is MNK’s brother, then he has right to act anyhow. Did I listen to them? No. I told them that should he do such again, I will still call him out.

Another was the time I watched him on Ikenga Uruagu’s platform saying that Finance department is specifically under the authority of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Immediately I noticed there is a great danger looming. He was just playing on words. I already knew there is something going on. So I am not surprised at whatever Madam Nnennaya Anya is doing presently, for it didn’t start today.

How can you refuse an order from Mazi Chika Edoziem, with an excuse that you are ONLY answerable to MNK? MNK that is with us or the one that is not with us? If there is something that needs to be done by the DOS, so they will have to tell MNK to tell you first before you can do it? Have we forgotten IPOB chain of command? At the absence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, is it not DOS that are in charge? Is it proper for IPOB media publicity secretary or any other appointee to declare he is answerable to only MNK? What game are they playing? What are they hiding? What is there in being audited by your superior? Yes, you work for DOS if you don’t know. That is because DOS stands next to MNK and should take charge at the absence of MNK.

I have come to understand that majority of us are carrying Nigería mentality around wherever they are. That’s why we see simple things and make it difficult for us. I have said it time without number that if we are not severely damaged by Nigería system, Kanunta Kanu and Madam Nnennaya Anya won’t be doing what they are doing presently. But they are doing it because they know that some of you are with them privately for selfish reasons.

Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher And Activist, 2022.

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