THE FREEDOM FIGHTER The freedom of a country depends on its citizens. Individuals who selflessly sacrifice their lives so that ...

THE FREEDOM FIGHTER The freedom of a country depends on its citizens. Individuals who selflessly sacrifice their lives so that ...
IGBO DIALECTS AND WHERE THEY ARE SPOKEN IN IGBOLAND 1) Arochukwu is an Igbo dialect spoken by the people of ...
GREEKS GOT THEIR EDUCATION IN AFRICA From 1900 to 1100 B.C., a great civilization reigned over what is now present-day ...
The Berber Queen who defied the Caliphate: Al-Kahina and the Islamic Conquest of North Africa Seventh-century North Africa would see ...
10 POWERFUL SPIRITUAL TREES IN IGBOLAND 1. ANỤNỤEBE (Nnụnụebe): This is the king of all spiritual trees in Igboland. It ...
Who is Chi (Guardian Angel) According to igbo cosmology Chi is the personal spirit of a person (ḿmúọ́) which is ...
Our Ancient Writing System (Nsibidi). The Nsibidi Writing system of west Africa dates back to 5000 BC. The Nsibidi (Nsibiri/Nchibidi) ...
The day the Earth moved How the Turkey earthquake tore a 300-kilometre rupture through the Earth’s surface The ground in ...
OPERATION THINK: The Real Igbo Man A lot of people are not familiar with the ancient meaning of the word ...
Sojourner Truth Born Isabella Baumfree circa 1797, Sojourner Truth was one of as many as 12 children born to James ...